Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mind Control

One of the most frightening themes in science fiction and fantasy is that of mind control, that your mind could be manipulated to make you perform actions against your will. In SF this is usually done with some sort of gadget that is implanted in your body. In fantasy, mind control is performed by the controlling being such as a wizard, vampire or demon by mystical means.

Apparently the SF version is already available. It is done by brain chips. In 1970, Jose Manuel Rodrigues Delgado, a professor of physiology at Yale University, pioneered an electronic device that can manipulate the mind by receiving signals from and transmitting them to neurons. At present brain chips are used to treat such conditions as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, blindness and disorders.

Delgado, however, was performing experiments that were more dramatic than anything done today. He implanted radio-controlled electrode arrays in various animals and even humans. He showed that he could control subject's minds and bodies with a push of a button. For the most part his work has been forgotten, but he is alive and living in San Diego.

Between 1952 and 1970, Delgado implanted electrodes in twenty-five human brains, most of whom were schizophrenics and epileptics. He showed that stimulation of parts of the brain could cause a physical reaction. Patients were made to perform such actions as tightening a fist or shaking the head from side to side by applying small electric currents to certain areas of the brain. Delgado also induced such emotions as rage, lust, hilarity and fear.

In one experiment he caused a macaque bully in a cage with other monkeys to be pacified when a lever was pushed. One of the female monkeys learned this and would press the lever whenever the bully tried to molest her. (Author's Note: In the future, will such a procedure be done on bully school children?)

One troubling aspect of Delgado's experiments is that they were supported by the Office of Naval Research. Some conspiracy theorists believe that the CIA was involved. Delgado countered any claims of mind control by saying that brain simulation can increase or decrease aggressive behavior, but not direct it at a specific target.

Currently many people suffering from certain brain malfunctions have chips implanted in their heads that stimulate certain areas of the brains by wireless communication to the chip. Whether this technology will be expanded to actually control human beings to act according to another person's will is yet to be seen. It is certainly a frightening thought.

Most of the information for this post came from an article in the October, 2005 Scientific American entitled "The Forgotten Era of Brain Chips" by John Hogan.

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