Nowadays, most of us are familiar enough with computers to
know that they do their magic through something called software. But what is software? And how does it control the
In this article I'll try to answer these question.
Actually software consists of one or more stored
programs. The reason they are called stored
programs is that they reside in some electronic storage device such as RAM, a
hard disk, a CD or DVD, a diskette, and so forth. (I explained these devices in
last months article, Personal Computer Basics.)
Like everything else in a computer, a stored program is
made up of binary numbers, i.e. one and zeros. In a magnetic storage device,
such as a hard disk, a one is represented by a tiny spot on the disk magnetized
in one direction, a zero by a spot magnetized in the other direction. In RAM,
binary bits (numbers) are represented by a flip-flop
being in a one state or a zero state. These binary numbers, in addition to
representing data such as numbers and letters, can stand for codes that tell the computer what actions to take.
Whether a particular series of binary bits is considered data or an instruction
by the computer is determined by a particular time in its cycle. For example,
hypothetically let us say that the binary number, 0000 0001, tells the computer
to add two numbers together. If the computer is in a data cycle, this byte
represents the number one. If the computer is in an instruction cycle, it means
I should also mention that the processing (doing the actions coded in the program) always takes
place between the CPU and RAM. A computer program must be in RAM before it can
be executed (tell the computer what
to do). For this reason, programs that are stored on another device such as the
hard drive must be transferred into RAM before they can run (a synonym for executed).
When the computer is in its instruction cycle, it normally
takes the next instruction in sequence. As you noticed, I did not specify in my
hypothetical add instruction what numbers to add or what to do with the result.
Usually instruction are more than one byte long. The other bytes associated
with this add instruction would contain addresses in RAM where the data to be
added is located and where to put the result.
As I noted in the last paragraph, usually instructions in
a program are executed in sequence. However, there are numerous exception to
this. There are instructions that are called either branch or jump
instructions. When the computer executes one of these instructions, it know
that it may take the next instruction from a RAM address designated by the branch or jump instruction. Notice that I wrote "may" rather than
"will." This is because these type of instructions may test for some
condition such as a certain bit in a byte at a certain address being a one. If
it is a one, the computer will go to designated address. If not, it will simply
take the next instruction. In this manner, the computer can make decisions
depending on outcomes, for example, whether you clicked with your mouse or
whether a subtraction result in a positive or negative number.
What I have described so far is simply the way that
computer instructions work in a general way. If you wish to delve deeper into
the subject, I would advise buying a book on computers and programming, because
there are a lot of complications to this subject which I cannot get into in
this post.
Now you may be feeling sorry for the poor software
engineer or programmer who must learn all the binary codes for the instructions
in the program he or she writes. Don't worry. Programming is difficult and
takes a lot of education to even get started, but at least the programmer does
not have to write program instructions using binary codes that a computer
understands. There are programs called assemblers
and compilers that allow the software
engineer to write instructions in what are called computer languages, which resemble human languages slightly, and
translates these instructions into the binary instructions that the computer
understands. There are several different computer languages. The choice of
which to use depends upon such factors as which one the programmer was trained
in, the type of software to be produced, the choice of the company that he or
she works for and the particular computer and operating system being used.
I used a term in the last paragraph that I did not explain
and that is operating system. In
general, software can be categorized as either a system program or an application.
A system program is software that is part of the operating system of a
computer. The operating system in most PCs (unless you're a Mac or Linux user)
is Windows. The operating system handles such things as multitasking, input/output operations, presenting a standard
interface for applications and so forth. An application is the software that a
computer user calls up to do the computing work to be done. For example, the
word processor that I'm using to write this article is an application. Usually,
we speak of applications running under
the operating system. This is
because the operating system decides when to execute instructions in a
particular application and does tasks for the application such as retrieving
data or other programs from the hard disk.
I hope you found this article informative, accurate and
enlightening. The whole subject of software design and coding can be quite
interesting, and there are a multitude of books available plus online tutorials
that cover this material.
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