Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Demons of Dante's Inferno

Most of Dante's demons come from Greek mythology.

Charon – Hell's ferryman. He carries souls of the newly deceased across the river Acheron. A coin to pay Charon for passage is sometimes placed in the mouth of a dead person. It is said that those who cannot pay are fated to wander the earth as ghosts for a hundred years.

Minos – Dante makes him the judge of the damned. He determines what part of Hell they will be placed. In Greek mythology, Minos was a king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa. Every nine years he made King Aegeus pick seven men and seven women to go to the labyrinth to be eaten by the Minotaur. After Minos died, he became a judge of the dead in Hades.

Cerebus – The three-head dog that guards the gates of Hell to prevent anyone from escaping.

Plutus – A wolf-like demon that guards the fourth circle of Hell, the hoarders and wasters.

Phlegyas – Ferryman of the river Styx and giant guardian of the Fifth Circle of Hell.

In Dante's inferno, the angels that rebelled against God led by Satan guard the City of Dis. They are not named.

Furies – In Greek mythology the Furies, Alecto, Tisiphone and Magaera are the children of Gaia and Uranus. In the Inferno they represent remorse and torment evildoers and sinners.

Medusa –  In Greek mythology, she is a Gorgon, a chthonic monster and the daughter of  Phorcys and Ceto. Gazing at her turns the onlooker to stone.

The Minotaur – A creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. In mythology he dwelt in the labyrinth of Crete.

Three Centaurs, half horse, half human creatures, are mentioned in the Inferno. They are Chiron, Cacus and Nessus.

Harpies – In the Inferno, they are the guardians of suicides. They are often depicted as either beautiful women with wings or ugly winged bird women.

Demons of Bolga Five – Creatures who tear the grafters to pieces with claws and grappling hooks. Their leader is Malacoda.

The giants and Titans of Greek mythology are also mentioned. Nimrod, who built the tower of Babel, Ephistus, Briareus, Tityas, Typhon and Anterus.

Standing waist deep in ice in the lowest pit of Hell with three faces is Satan himself.

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